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Animals With Long Names :
Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides – 43 letters

The parastratiospheconomyia species was named after Dr. J. Strati who first described them in 1855. They were originally classified under the family name Stratiidae, which was later changed to Stratiidae when the family was split into two families, Stratiidae and Sphaeroceratidae. The genus name was changed from Stratiosphecomyium to Parastratiosphaeria in 2012.
Griseotyrannus aurantioatrocristatus – 36 letters

The crowned slaty flycatchers (Griseotyrannus aurantioatrocristatus) are a group of birds from South America, that are also known as the slaty flycatcherer. Some members of this species are called the yellow-bellied flycatcher. The male bird has bright orange underparts and a long tail with black lips.
Wunderpus photogenicus – 23 letters

The Wunderpus Octopus ( Wunderpus photogenicus) is a species of cephalopod mollusk from the family Sepiolidae. This species was named after the German naturalist Johann Friedrich Meckel who discovered them in 1831. They live in the deep sea, at depths greater than 1000 meters. Their diet consists mainly of small crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs.
Eucrossorhinus dasypogon -24 letters

The tasselled wobbegongs scientific name is Eucrossorhinus dasypogon. This fish has a long body and short tail. They live in shallow coastal waters around Australia.
A tasselled wobbegongs (Eucrossorhinus dasypogon) is a large fish from Australia. They are found in the ocean and they eat other fish. The name comes from the Australian Aboriginal word for “big mouth”.
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis – 29 letters
The hellbender is a large salamander native to North America. Its scientific name is Cryptobranchus alleganiensis.
The hellbender is one of the largest salamander species in North America. They live in rivers and streams throughout the eastern United States and Canada. Unfortunately, they are also threatened by habitat loss due to dams, pollution, and invasive species.
Chaetophractus vellerosus – 26 letters
The name “screaming hairy armadillo” was chosen for two reasons. First, the name is fun and catchy. Second, the name is based on a real animal called a “Hairy Armadillo.” Hairy Armadillos are found in South America and Mexico. They live in burrows and eat insects.Its scientific name is Chaetophractus vellerosus.
The screaming hairy armadillo is a mammal native to South America. They are also known as the pampas deer, which means they live in grasslands. They are nocturnal animals and spend the day sleeping in burrows. Their diet consists mainly of roots, tubers, fruits, and seeds.
Kimmeridgebrachypteraeschnidium etchesi – 40 letters
Kimmeridgebrachypteraeschnidium etchesi is an extinct bird around 150 million years ago. It has the world’s longest scientific name.
Read More : Animals With Amazing Big Heads
Other Animals With Long Names
- Parapropalaehoplophorus septentrionalis – 40 letters
- Diandongpetalichthys liaojiaoshanensis – 39 letters
- Micropachycephalosaurus hongtuyanensis -39 letters
- Cyrtodactylus australotitiwangsaensis -39 letters
- Cryptodidymosphaerites princetonensis -38 letters
What is the longest name for an animal that lives in a lake?
There are a lot of animals living in lakes around the world, from fish to frogs to turtles. Some of them even live in the water for years without ever leaving the water. How long is their longest name?
The longest names of aquatic animals include:
- Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) – 2 syllables
- Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) – 4 syllables
- American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) – 3 syllables
Which Dinosaur Has The Longest Name?

Did you know that micropachycephalosaurus was named after its head shape? Its name means “thick-headed lizard”, and it belongs to the family Microraptoridae.
Microraptors were tiny dinosaurs found in China. They lived between 85 million and 70 million years ago. These four-winged creatures had short, thick legs, long arms, and a large head. Their teeth were very sharp and pointed at the tip.
In order to answer the question, I conducted further research into the topic. The main aim was to find out whether the dinosaur was correctly identified. After studying some facts, I concluded that it should be called micropachycephalosaurus.
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What kind of Animals have Long Names?
There are some animals with very long names. For example, the longest animal name species of fly in the family is Stratiomyidae, which has the scientific name of Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides. The largest land mammal is the African elephant, which has a scientific classification of Loxodonta africana.
Some animals have very long names. This means they have a long scientific name.
These include the blue whale, the African elephant, the giant panda, the giraffe, the hippopotamus, the narwhal, the orca, the polar bear, the rhinoceros, the sea otter, the sloth, the walrus, the yak, the zebra, and the zebu.
Longer names might sound impressive, but they don’t necessarily mean anything. In fact, some experts believe that these animals are actually smarter than their shorter counterparts.